Book a call with our team: Most truly successful people are not fixated only on their own advancement. It is powerful to contribute to something greater than yourself. Not only does it feel good to help others, but it in turn helps your business advance. On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, I’m interviewing Joe Fairless, the host of The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Podcast! Joe is here to share the details of his newest book series, and the importance of embodying his mantra, “the secret to living is giving.” Don’t miss episode 125! “Investing in Real Estate has a laser focus on buy and hold rental properties in order to create passive income. Clayton shares tried and true methods for acquiring rental real estate, building net worth, and accelerating your financial freedom. This podcast utilizes expert interviews, case studies with normal everyday investors, and Clayton’s own methods for achieving passive income. Learn how to acquire turnkey rentals, discounted properties, passive income and true legacy wealth!” – Clayton Morris
EP125: The Power of Giving Back to Grow Your Business – Interview with Joe Fairless

EP125: The Power of Giving Back to Grow Your Business – Interview with Joe Fairless
Podcast: Invest In Real Estate